Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Angelwing Campaign: Angelwing One

When loss has won, may it be
It's you I'm madly fighting for
When kingdom comes, may it be
We walk right through that open door

-Now that we're Dead, by Metallica

As the War Against the Wizard raged into its fourth year, a new enemy emerged which changed everything.  It struck as a thunderbolt.  Old enemies put aside their conflict and turned to face this new, and unspeakably horrific foe.

Abandoned were the old, slow, inept warmachines and into the blazing cauldron of flaming carnage plunged new engines of death.  The Loamhedge Kingdom pushed a new type of fighter to the front lines, one which was to become so iconic and so linked to the conflict that the war was named after it: Angelwing.